Chiropractic Treatments

Chiro treatments and rehabilitation in Orillia, ON

We take a thorough and non-pharmacological approach to help you move and feel your best during your chiro treatments. We often combine hands-on manual therapy with pain and movement coaching to help you tackle your current limitations. 

We devise a plan together so that when you leave your appointment, you feel confident knowing that you can stick to the plan. 

In-Stride’s practice is rooted in evidence-based care, ensuring methods are informed by the latest, high-quality research. By fostering interdisciplinary relationships, we aim to offer comprehensive care that addresses the overall well-being of our patients.

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain 
  • Shoulder pain
  • Elbow/wrist pain
  • Hip pain
  • SI joint pain
  • Knee pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Foot/plantar fasciitis
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • TMJ

Click below to see a full list of our chiropractor services.

There are several benefits for seeing an Equine Chiropractor such as pain relief and rehabilitation for performance injuries. Click to learn about other signs that may indicate that your equine would benefit from a consultation.

Mobile Equine Chiropractor in Orillia, ON will travel to Muskokas, and Simcoe County areas

Dr. Donaldson provides chiro treatments for dogs in Orillia, ON, Muskokas, and Simcoe County

If you’ve noticed a sudden change in your dog’s abilities or behaviour, pain could be a culprit. We discuss different signs to look for that may help you determine whether your pet requires medical attention.

Chiro treatments in Orillia, ON Dr. Sarah Donaldson

Initial visit


Subsequent visit


Initial visit


Subsequent visit


Certified Animal Chiropractor provides chiro treatments to dogs in Orillia, ON and area

Initial visit


Subsequent visit


Stand Alone Treatment


Appointment add-on



Package of 3 Treatments- $140

Package of 6 Treatments- $280

Package of 9 Treatments- $420

$25 flat rate for first 20km

.70/km thereafter

Distance determined from 2802 Telford Line, Orillia ON and split between any/all patients or owners of single call.

Who can benefit from your care?
How do virtual appointments work?
What can you expect at your appointments? 

Please don’t hesitate to contact In-Stride Chiropractic & Rehab if you have any questions.